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Code Generation

In order for the messages to be usable in code, the schemas must be first compiled to the desired programming languages via nanoc (pronounced na-nock), a compiler provided by NanoPack.


Pre-built binaries of nanoc are published as GitHub releases. Put the binary in a directory that is in PATH, or add the directory it is in to PATH, then it is ready to go.

Building nanoc

nanoc can also be built from the source code, which requires:

  • Go 1.20 or higher (install link)
  • Code formatter for the corresponding programming language installed because nanoc will use it to format the generated code
    • C++: clang-format: available as part of Clang.
    • Swift: swift-format: available here
    • TypeScript: prettier will be used via npx.

Clone the nanoc repository here:

Cloning nanoc...
git clone

Change into the nanoc directory:

Terminal window
cd nanoc

Then run the installation command:

Terminal window
go install nanoc/cmd/nanoc

This tells Go to compile the project, then move the output binary to a directory where all the Go binaries are installed in.

The nanoc command should now be available. If not, make sure the directory to where Go installs binaries is in PATH. To add it to PATH:

export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"


This is an overview of the nanoc command:

nanoc --language=[ts|swift|c++] [--factory-out=path] [--namespace=My.Nsp] [...input-files]
language(Required) The programming language the generated code should be in
factory-out(Optional) The directory where the message factory code file should be put in
input-files(Required) A space-delimited list of relative/absolute paths to the schema files that should be processed
namespace(Optional) The namespace under which the generated code should be. Use dot notation, e.g. My.Message


nanoc will put the generated files next to each schema file. For example, nanoc will put the TypeScript code for src/MySchema.yml in src/my-schema.ts

Every nanoc generated file will have an extension .np right before the real file extension: .np.ts, .np.swift, .np.cxx, etc.


Consider the following files in a hypothetical src directory, and suppose the current working directory is where the src directory resides.

  • MessageA.yml
  • MessageB.yml

To compile the two schemas to TypeScript:

Terminal window
nanoc --language=ts ./src/MessageA.yml ./src/MessageB.yml

nanoc will produce two files, and Now, the src directory will contain the following files:

  • MessageA.yml
  • MessageB.yml


nanoc will convert the casing of field names and file names to what the convention is for the output language. For example, if the field names in the schema files are in snake_case, nanoc will convert them to camelCase when compiling to Swift or TypeScript. In general, nanoc follows the following table when it comes to casing:

Field namescamelCasecamelCasesnake_case
File nameskebab-casePascalCasesnake_case

Support Library

The generated code assumes that the support library for that language is installed and reachable from the source code. Below is the list of support libraries for each programming language: